The Autonomy of Richard

Shakira, te quiero!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ticket to Ride

Well over the weekend I had to make my way down to Yacuiba to renew my visa. I almost looked foward to this trip, given that we had been moving all weekend. I thought a nice trip into the beautiful country side could do me some good. Maybe give that town a second chance. The trip started off well. Had a nice double decker buscama, which is just a chair/bed. They even showed the Rundown, which is a great movie in any language. Figured The Rock was cooking me up a nice trip. But when I arrived there, troubles came my way. First was that the weather was terrible. It was cold and raining. My Santa Cruz clothes did me no good. Then I made my way to the immigracion, which is a room about the size of my old dorm room. After I gave them my passport, I had real trouble. It seems that I hadn´t gotten a stamp on the Argentinian border as I should have in December. And since each day was 10 bolivianos, I owed about 900 b´s, well over a hundred dollars. So what did I do? I bribed the guys there. They asked what me for what I had, like 20 dollars, and I gave to them. When in Bolivia ya know. Afterwards I went to the Argentinian border, got my stamps there and made my way back to Bolivia. On the ride back they had a wonderful selection of dubbed classics. The first was Black Clack, some Chinese film from the 80´s, which just had some girl killing people over and over again. I wonder what the kids on the bus thought? Then to balance out the equation, they showed Homeward Bound: The Legendary Journey. The camba guy beside me was in tears at the end of the movie, which I thought was special. Musically, we enjoyed the sounds of cumbia, which i like the music Selena created back in the day, but utilizes the same beat in every song. But needless to say I am back in Santa Cruz, where I am like 80% safe, and my apartment is awesome. Have pics of it soon. What did you all do over the weekend?


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